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Savez vinara i vinogradara Srbije

Savez vinara i vinogradara Srbije osnovan je 22. jula 2019. godine, kao krovna nacionalna asocijacija vinara i vinogradara Srbije. Osnivači i članovi Saveza su udruženja proizvođača vina sa oznakom
geografskog porekla sa teritorije Republike Srbije:
- "Šumadija"
- "Knjaževac"
- "Negotinska krajina"
- "Beograd"
- "Toplica"
- "Južni Banat"
- "Subotički rejon"
- "Niš"
- "Tri Morave"
- "Mlavski rejon"
- "Velika Hoča"
- "Srem - Fruška gora"

Član Saveza može biti svako i svako novoosnovano udruženje proizvođača vina sa ozakom geografskog porekla sa teritorije Republike Srbije.

Gde smo

Javite nam se

Telefon: +381 11 244 24 00 Mobilni: +381 66 8105 252
Adresa: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 84, 11000 Beograd

27 - 28.06.2020. Zemun

JKP Gradske pijace together with the Tourist Association of Zemun and the City Municipality of Zemun are organizing the “Zemun Festival of Wine and Food” at the Zemun market, more precisely at Veliki trg.

The festival is planned to be held on June 27 and 28, 2020, starting at 5 pm both days.

The goal of the event is to promote the gastronomic offer of Zemun, Zemun restaurants on the Danube, wineries from Zemun and Serbia, as well as the cosmopolitan spirit of Zemun and localities along the Danube. The whole event includes a series of accompanying musical and stage contents that in synergy result in a good atmosphere and energy.

The event is for sale.

Zemun wine and food festival

The goal of the event is to promote the gastronomic offer of Zemun, Zemun restaurants on the Danube, wineries from Zemun and Serbia, as well as the cosmopolitan spirit of Zemun and localities along the Danube. The whole event includes a series of accompanying musical and stage contents that in synergy result in a good atmosphere and energy.

Date: 27 – 28.06.2020.
Place: Zemun, market place, Veliki trg

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