Public calls for three support programs
The Ministry of Economy has announced public calls for three support programs for micro, small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship. A total of 450 million dinars has been allocated for these programs this year.
Public calls are open until the available funds are used up, and by December 31 this year at the latest, the Ministry of Economy announced.
Public calls have been published for the Entrepreneurship Development Encouragement Program through financial support for women entrepreneurs and youth, the Entrepreneurship Development Encouragement Program through financial support for business start-ups and the Entrepreneurship Encouragement Program through development projects.
The Ministry has allocated 100 million dinars in non-refundable funds for the program of support for women and young entrepreneurs who are beginners in business, and which is being implemented for the first time this year.
When it comes to beginners in business, 150 million dinars of non-refundable funds have been allocated, and 200 million dinars of non-refundable funds through the program of encouraging entrepreneurship through development projects.
The remaining amount of investment of economic entities will be financed from the loan of the Development Fund.
The programs are implemented by the Ministry of Economy and the Development Fund, and are a combination of grants and favorable loans from the Fund.
The Ministry of Economy reminds that it previously invited commercial banks and leasing companies to apply for participation in the realization of the Program of support to small and medium enterprises for the purchase of equipment in 2021, for which 1.55 billion dinars of non-refundable funds have been allocated.
The public call for co-financing partners, ie banks and leasing companies, lasts until February 19, and after the selection of partners and signing of contracts, the Ministry will announce a public call for micro, small and medium enterprises, entrepreneurs and cooperatives for grants.
Interested businessmen can find all the information and necessary documentation on the website of the Ministry of Economy: www.privreda.gov.rs.