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A Gathering Of Winemakers In Aleksandrovac

A gathering of winemakers in Aleksandrovac

A gathering of winemakers in Aleksandrovac was held yesterday. Organized by the Association of Winemakers of Serbia, the Association of Three Morava and the Association of Winemakers and Winegrowers of the Parish in the Alexandrov Museum of Wine and Viticulture, Dr. Marko Malićanin spoke about the results of the project implemented by the Association. The extremely successful presentation was followed by about 60 interested members of the Tri Morave Association. As it usually happens in Župa, it all ended with socializing that lasted until late at night.

The topic of the presentation was “Sensory analysis and defining the glass model for Prokupac wines”. The results of the study presented through the implementation of the project “Establishment and strengthening of the national brand of Prokupac wine and plum brandy through cooperation between science and economy” funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia were presented.

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