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Савез винара и виноградара Србије

Савез винара и виноградара Србије основан је 22. јула 2019. године, као кровна национална асоцијација винара и виноградара Србије. Оснивачи и чланови Савеза су удружења произвођача вина са ознаком
географског порекла са територије Републике Србије:
- "Шумадија"
- "Књажевац"
- "Неготинска крајина"
- "Београд"
- "Топлица"
- "Јужни Банат"
- "Суботички рејон"
- "Ниш"
- "Три Мораве"
- "Млавски рејон"
- "Велика Хоча"
- "Срем - Фрушка гора"

Члан Савеза може бити свако и свако новоосновано удружење произвођача вина са озаком географског порекла са територије Републике Србије.

Где смо

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Телефон: +381 11 244 24 00 Мобилни: +381 66 8105 252
Адреса: Булевар краља Александра 84, 11000 Београд
Позив за учешће на међународном оцењивању

Позив за учешће на међународном оцењивању

Од организатора је стигао позив српским винарима за учешће на оцењивању Winelovers’ Wine Awards. У наставку преносимо комплетан маил који је стигао:

Entries are now open for the 2023 Winelovers’ Wine Awards

 70 renowned wine experts from around the world and over 1,000 wines from Central and Eastern Europe in one place

Some of the wine world’s greatest experts, including four Masters of Wine and one Master Sommelier, plus buyers, wine merchants and sommeliers will gather this year in Budapest at the Winelovers’ Wine Awards to find the best wines from Central and Eastern Europe. The Winelovers’ Wine Awards is being organised for the second time this year and aims to become the most important wine competition in the Central and Eastern European region, and one of the most important international events in the wine world.

Central & Eastern Europe has a long and deep-rooted connection to wine, offering authenticity in a world that increasingly wants to connect to a sense of place, and the best of the region’s wines can be exciting discoveries. Wine can bring countries together and help create a united message that brings attention to a region that is less well-known than it deserves to be, with its distinctive wine styles, unique grapes, and undoubted quality.

The opportunity: the Winelovers’ competition is a chance to showcase your wine in front of a team of international judges.

Communication: Winelovers is running an extensive B2C and B2B communication programme in Hungary and internationally. Award-winning wines will be featured by Wine-Searcher as well as on an English-language website and via social media. They will also be communicated to the international press through press releases and an English-language digital publication which will be circulated to the most important players in the Western European wine market.



The Winelovers’ Wine Awards Competition


The second edition of the competition is taking place in Budapest 7-9 July 2023, with over 1,000 wine entries expected, and will be judged by our 70+ experts including Dr. Caroline Gilby MW, Rose Murray Brown MW, Essi Avellan MW, Tamas Czinki MS, Caro Maurer MW, Dr. Jamie Goode and others.

Professional judging standards will be overseen by jury president, László Bálint DipWSET, an international wine academic and consultant.

Wine competitions are a great aid to the consumer – who is often confronted with so many wines to buy they find it difficult to choose. It gives the consumer guidance and confidence in their purchase if the medal winning wine has been scored highly by experts. The contests are particularly important in Central Eastern Europe as many of these wine countries are unknown to wine lovers as they are up-and coming. The contests help the consumers choose from a range of unknown names – and helps the producers promote their product as a quality wine.” says Rose Murray Brown Master of Wine, judge at Winelovers 2022 and 2023.


Entries are now open for the 2023 Winelovers’ Wine Awards, and producers can enter by submitting the completed entry forms on the competition website.

For entries

Supporting Information required: 

  1. company information:
  2. wine information:

Key dates:

Entry fee structure:

More information on the Winelovers’ Wine Awards website


Our judges in 2023:

Videos of the 2022 event and interviews with the judges:

Photos from the 2022 wine competition:


For further information, pls contact:

Istvan Tabor – competition director,, +36 70 321-4891

Kata Nork – customer service & administration,, +36 20 936-2996


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